

放大字体  缩小字体 2018-11-24 00:13:36  阅读:7754+ 来源:本站原创 作者:光良

同问 前两天帮女友sam解锁 昨天晚上收到官解消息不知道怎么操作了 删除6个文件然后激活?还是换卡直接连itunes?

同问 前两天帮女友sam解锁 昨天晚上收到官解消息不知道怎么操作了 删除6个文件然后激活?还是换卡直接连itunes?

DearShaojie Lin,Thank you for taking the time to e-mail AT&T regarding the unlock code for the Apple iPhone. My name is Jim Donaldson, and I am happy to help you with your inquiry.Starting 04/08/2012 we are able to unlock some models of the iPhone.I have submitted a case for your unlock request.You will be notified by email with a resolution to the case by 04/30/12.Your case number is CM20120420_39743681.To obtain the iPhone unlock code, we must submit a case. Unfortunately, some of the information needed to submit the case is considered sensitive personal information and should not be sent via e-mail for your security.Shaojie Lin,I hope that the information provided has been helpful and has resolved
