

放大字体  缩小字体 2018-03-27 12:23:08  阅读:6359+ 来源:本站原创 作者:纪敏佳

Now that we have concrete information on iPhone OS 4.0 which will be unveiled atspecial Apple event on April 8, its good time to have a glimpse on iPhone OS 4.0 jailbreak situation. As of now we have three different Apple devices running iPhone OS viz. iPod Touch, iPhone (iPhone2G, 3G & 3GS) & recently launched iPad. The fact that Apple want to unify iPhone OS platform on all these devices sooner or later will have iPhone OS 4.0 running on all these devices.

Meaning one single exploit on iPhone OS 4.0 will make it possible to have jailbreak for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad running iPhone 4.0 OS. This might make Apple gadget lovers happy but this doesn’t end here. Lately we found Apple aggressively fixing and patching exploits to stop users from jailbreaking or unlocking iPhone.

Hence iPhone OS 4.0 will have all old exploits patched, as well as stronger security within OS making it difficult to find new exploit for jailbreak. But whenever new functionality or features are added to OS chances are high that new exploits may surface.

Two teams of iPhone hackers, iPhone Dev Team & Chronic dev team is known to independently working on getting jailbreak tools and not to forget the one man army George Hotz, who has proved himself from time to time. Several new iPhone hackers are recently showed up, the one name which we would like to mention in Comex.

As we have reported Comex has found working “Spirit”userland jailbreak for iPhone OS 3.1.3 which is also ported to iPad OS 3.2. Whereas P0sixninja member of theChronicdev team working on Greenpois0n iPad 3.2 jailbreak tool and last but not least ,George Hot, he has also showed untethered iPhone jailbreak demo video.

Till today infamous iPhone dev team have not publicly accepted that they have any known exploit on iPhone OS 3.1.3 baseband 5.12.07 but we have feeling that iPhone dev team definitely have some good exploit (not to forget the one which was reported by sheriff) in their hand and they might be saving it for iPhone OS 4.0 jailbreak.

None of these jailbreaks has been released yet, the sole reason is to hide exploit from Apple to prevent fixing it in next iPhone OS release, i.e iPhone OS 4.0. Overall scenario looks positive and is in favor of iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad users.

We can’t expect all of them to have unique exploit but we are sure one of these exploit will exist in iPhone OS 4.0 and iPhone 4.0 jailbreak will be out as soon as Apple releases iPhone 4.0.

Our Advice

If you want to jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad then you must not update to iPhone OS 4.0 until there is any update from iPhone Dev Team.

Make sure to capture & save ECID SHSH for your iPad &iPhone 3GS to help you in downgrading from iPhone OS 4.0 to 3.1.3 if you accidently update it.

Have Patience !!

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