像素滑板2欢迎来到奥莱坞奖杯列表 | |
奖杯 | 说明 |
#1Academy Award(获得全部奖杯)Obtain all Trophies获得全部奖杯 | |
#2I Want It All!2TipsAchieve 100% completion达成100%游戏 | |
#3The Chosen One(被选中之人)1TipsFinish every level in RAD mode完成RAD模式下的全部关卡 | |
#4Certified Professional1TipsBeat every challenge/Unlock RAD mode击败每一个挑战/解锁RAD模式 | |
#5OlliOlli Oxen Free1TipsFind the 10 members of the Roll7 dev team找到Roll7 开发团队的10名成员 | |
#6Hit the Spot1TipsUnlock every Spot解锁每一个场所 | |
#7Grindstone2TipsCompete in the Daily Grind 7 times完成7次Daily Grind | |
#8Every Trick in the Book1TipsPerform one of every trick每种特级至少表演一次 | |
#9Going Pro6TipsBeat every Amateur challenge完成《Amateur 》下的所有挑战 | |
#10Ready for RAD1TipsFinish any Pro level with every landing, grind and launch perfect在每一次着陆、滑行和起跳都达成完美的情况下完成一个专业关卡 | |
#11Spotless1TipsSet a score on every Spot在所有场地得分 | |
#12End of the BeginningFinish every Amateur career level完成所有《Amateur》难度关卡 | |
#13Twist 'N' Shout1TipsAchieve a total of 100 Perfect Revert-Manuals达成100次完美《Revert-Manuals》 | |
#14Change of Heart1TipsAchieve a total of 100 Grind-Switches达成100次《Grind-Switches》 | |
#15The First One is the Hardest1TipsGet your first 1,000,000+ combo达成一个100w分以上的combo | |
#16Welcome To Olliwood2TipsUnlock Olliwood解锁《Olliwood》 | |
#17AdventurerUnlock Curse of the Aztec解锁《Unlock Curse of the Aztec》 | |
#18OutlawUnlock Gunmetal Creek解锁《Gunmetal Creek》 | |
#19ThrillseekerUnlock Carnival of the Dead解锁《Carnival of the Dead》 | |
#20Sky RunnerUnlock Titan Sky解锁《Titan Sky》 | |
#21Straight-A StudentComplete every level in Skatepark在《Skatepark》中完成每一个阶段 | |
#22TwistedAchieve a total of 50 Perfect Reverts达成50次完美回头动作 | |
#23Wheely Good At ThisAchieve a total of 500 Perfect Manuals达成500次完美后轮滑行 | |
#24Tiny HawkAchieve a total of 100 Perfect Launches达成100次完美发射 | |
#25Damn Good CoffeeAchieve a total of 1000 Perfect Grinds达成1000次完美滑行 | |
#26Perfect TimingAchieve a total of 100 Perfect Landings达成100次完美着陆 | |
#27The World Stage3TipsCompete in the Daily Grind参加一次Daily Grind |